Heritage can handle all of your trash & recycling needs!
Our different packages ensure that the homeowner finds an option suitable for their needs. From multiple bin sizes for both trash and recycling to different pickup frequencies, our customers always have choices!
Front load flip top dumpsters are the most efficient way to collect bulk trash and recycling. This is why Heritage has many different sizes and pickup options available to local business’s. We take a tailored to you service approach to make sure your needs are met!
Industrial & Organizations
Whether you are a large producer of waste or an organization with many locations, Heritage can be your one stop shop for all your needs. We understand that partnering with others who are leading the way in renewable resources is beneficial to all!
“Working today to Preserve Tomorrow”
Sustainability is a very important issue to Heritage Waste. This is why we partner with local Waste-to-Energy facilities to ensure that your trash is put to good use. Trash brought to these facilities is burned and turned into electricity that can power 51,000 homes for a year!
Single stream recycling is brought to a sorting facility where it gets separated, baled and shipped out on trucks. These recyclables are processed and then used by other manufactures to make new products.
Proper disposal ensures that waste is kept out of landfills which reduces greenhouse gas emissions!